Saturday, July 23, 2011

To Try Harder

To Try Harder
Striving for my best,
That is what I do.
It is who I have been,
And will continue to strive to be.
To try, and fail,
Only to try again.
To eventually succeed,
And get just where I want.
Or this is how it used to be,
And how I used to see it.

Now it seems I try, and fail,
And the failure rarely stops.
And then someone has the nerve,
To say I don’t try hard enough.
We whilst for some,
Life comes easy,
It never has for me.
It could be better,
Could be worse,
But it is definitely not the best.

To me I try,
Everyday, to beat my demons back.
That strive to beat me down,
Never to rise again.
And whilst success is increasingly rare,
It happens, and that is why I try.

So how much harder can I try,
I really truly ask.
When everything is such an effort,
And you’re tired of it all.
For me, success,
Is going to bed,
Every single night.
Knowing I survived,
A day I couldn’t bare.
And whilst my vision,
Is often bleary,
From the salty water.
It reminds me of a life,
I strive to reach tomorrow.

So say that I try not hard enough,
For it is yours to say.
Say that I require a hand,
For it is yours to believe.
But I myself,
Know that I,
Am doing what I can.
So that tomorrow,
You can greet me,
And not be dressed in black.

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