Saturday, July 23, 2011

Running on Empty

Running on Empty
To run on Empty,
What is it to run on empty?
How does it feel to run on empty?
Why do you run on empty?

Is it when your car is running low on fuel?
Or perhaps when your stomach rumbles rather loudly?
But yet still maybe it is when you are to tired to carry on,
Or too far gone to care.
To be beyond the point of caring,
About yourself much at all.
To see life through the eyes of an eyeless man,
Who does not see the beauty in the world.

Why do we run on empty?
What causes some of us to run out of steam?
Whilst others keep on trucking on.
Is it a sickness,
Unknown of it’s origin.
Or possibly a weakness,
That is a flaw in character.
But could it be a defect,
Bestowed upon us at birth.

How does one run on empty?
Some may one day wonder.
Bur truth be told,
It is not for me,
To tell you here today.
But one day you may feel,
A loneliness you cannot kick.
An emptiness beyond empty,
And lonely in a crowded room.
It is then that you may say,
Oh no I think I am,
Running on Empty.

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