Saturday, July 30, 2011

Operation Pier Play

Operation Pier Play is a project founded by myself Dion Anderson, in a team with my father Grant Anderson. It is a diving project, that will likely last for a number of years until completion.
The projects mission is to 'dive all dive-able jetties in the coastal environment in South Australia".
The intent is for pictures to be taken, and for the eventual production and hopefully publication of a book titled Diving the Jetties of South Australia. This is a large task, as there is a possibility of over 65 jetties needing to be dived. Many are unlikely to be thrilling, but already a few little gems have been found.
At present, we have already dived over 20 jetties, including most of the Yorke Peninsula, and the majority of the metropolitan and Fleurieu Peninsula jetties.
Quite a task, but quite enjoyable, as it seems that many SA divers are too fussy on their sites, so we'll go find out own sites. There is only so many times you can dive the same site before you say, lets go do something different.
And since Im too young to hit the caves and tech stuff yet, and also since finances are contrary, this is a simple and cool project to undertake.

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