Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Black Cloud

The Black Cloud
I saw a cloud the other day,
As black as black can be.
It was in horror,
That I stared,
Upon this big black cloud.
It passed across the gulf,
And settled neatly upon my head,
And has not left me since.

This black cloud,
Envelopes all things good.
It takes your smile,
It takes your laugh,
And everything that’s anything.
Stifling laughter
Killing smiles,
Turning a smile,
Upside down.
Leaving horror,
Leaving frowns,
And lots of tears as well.

I know not what it is,
Nor its meaning or its purpose.
Why its here,
What it wants,
Or little else of it.
All I know,
Is that I’m hurting,
More than is ever believable.
It creates a pain,
That none can see.
It leaves not broken bones,
Or cuts upon the skin.
Only contortions of the face,
And a feeling of the pain.

It grows in strength,
With the passing of each day.
Like a hurricane,
Gathering force,
Preparing to devastate the coast.

I begin to weaken,
To the ever present strain,
Of this vicious fight.
For the black clouds,
Be very strong indeed.
But are they stronger than me?
For if I do not beat them,
What will happen then?

But of course,
I know the truth,
About what would come to pass.
For these clouds,
They make me ponder,
About a lot of things.
And most of all,
The trivialness,
And fallacies,
Of all that is our life.

For if these black clouds do win,
Then I shall perish too.
Like souls aboard,
A sinking ship,
Doomed to the sea.
For this black cloud,
Has taken it all,
And now it wants my life.

I know not what to do,
To beat this big black cloud.
But all I can do,
Is fight it hard,
And try to beat the bastard.
It is a battle,
I take now likely,
Not that I have a choice.
For like with cancer,
So be this,
But a cancer of the mind.
Unlike cancer though,
It cannot be cut out.
Oh how I wish it could be.

So every day I fight real hard,
Knowing just what is at stake.
And if I lose,
Well so I lose,
But I pray that be not the case.
For I have so much living,
And I’m not ready to die.
At least not yet anyway.

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