Many people spend many years searching and pondering the meaning of life.
I am one of those people and for countless years, I have spent thousands of hours pondering this.
From as young as I could remember, I pondered this.
At first, I believed in religion, and considered that there must be a divine meaning to it, that would become more apparent at a later stage.
Then, I became disenchanted with religion, having seen too much pain and the like and came to the conclusion that there must be no divine meaning, but a meaning somewhere else.
So then I searched elsewhere, exerting much effort to find it.
It was only this year that I came to the realisation about the meaning of life and living.
Unfortunately it was at a time that I was slipping into a bottomless pit I have yet to climb out of, and the realisation only made things worse.
I realised that there is indeed no meaning of life.
No reason for being.
That in 100 years or so, we would not be living and probably not remembered.
That the human race is failing and what we do today, tomorrow, in a decade, ultimately come to mean absolutely nothing.
That nothing means anything.
Life as we know it, life on earth, the very existence of life is mere chance.
That the evolution of life, the creation of DNA, is a chance.
That at the end of our life, it all comes down to nothing.
That there is no afterlife, no peaceful place.
Whilst these thoughts may hurt many people's ideals, they are of course my views and observations, and what I hold to be true.
For me, this begs the question, what is the point of continuing such a monotonous and pointless existence when nothing counts?
Nothing matters?
I don't know, and I am unsure whether I wish to continue such an existence.
After all, if you were to not see a purpose in playing a sport, because it was impossible to win, many would leave the sport. Of course, some would continue to play the game, for the love of the game.
I don't know which of them I am.
But the fact remains, that since my realisation of this, my life has been drastically affected by it, and I cannot hope to get better until I get around this, or I shall fade to nothing.
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