Saturday, July 23, 2011

To Kiss You

To Kiss You
To kiss you in the moonlight,
To kiss you in the sunlight.
To kiss you on the jetty,
To kiss you in the car.
To tell the world I love you so,
For so I do with all my heart.
You make me smile,
You make me laugh,
You even make me blush.
Oh how I love you so.

I know your faults,
Yet never say.
For I love your faults as well.
From your sweet toes,
Unto your face.
No one shall ever compare.

To kiss you sweetly,
Kiss you softly,
That is what I yearn.
To tell you that I love you so,
And serenade to you.
To comfort you,
When you are lost.
And hug you when your not.
To kiss you when your crying,
And take your pain away.

You speak so softly,
Speak so delicately,
You send chills right up my spine.
You tell me I am charming,
And that I am so sweet.
But whenever I am with you,
I feel we are as one.
You read my face,
You read my thought,
And know just what to say.

I still would love to kiss you,
Beneath the Milky Way.
To kiss you in the pouring rain,
Whilst floating on a lake.
But most of all,
That I do want.
Is for you to feel the love.
For love is love,
And hurt is hurt.
But for love I’d do anything,
And for hurt I’d nothing.

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