If someone is considering killing themselves, guilt tripping them is NOT a good idea.
As for the argument of, what about everyone else?
When someone is like this, it is generally not a good idea to say this.
This is because, the person in severe pain is likely aware of it, but the pain outweighs anything.
It is like nothing imaginable.
In fact, by doing this, you maybe helping to push them off of life's little edge.
I know this from personal experience.
"Dion, your being selfish", yep thats right say that to me one more time, and I'll pull out the razor here and now and rip it hard and good just to make a point I am not joking.
The guilts is not a good idea.
In fact, little is worse, unless you pulled up a deck chair and said, go for it buddy. I'm sure youll put on a great show.
but why at all? WHY?????? Have you ever had
>someone close to you commit suicide? Do you know how that feels???
>What makes you think you have the right to make someone else feel that
> you say that no one would care. What about the people who
>find you afterwards? Even if they don't care, how do you think seeing
>a dead body would make them feel? If you're saying "Good! I hope it
>makes them feel bad", then you're offing yourself out of spite and
>that's just stupid. I have hit rock bottom before. I won't go into it,
>but I know you're thinking..."If this person is against suicide, then
>this person has never hit bottom." Whatever. If you people can't pick
>yourselves up and stop being selfish to the world around you, then
>maybe we're better off without you after all.
>What makes you think you have the right to make someone else feel that
> you say that no one would care. What about the people who
>find you afterwards? Even if they don't care, how do you think seeing
>a dead body would make them feel? If you're saying "Good! I hope it
>makes them feel bad", then you're offing yourself out of spite and
>that's just stupid. I have hit rock bottom before. I won't go into it,
>but I know you're thinking..."If this person is against suicide, then
>this person has never hit bottom." Whatever. If you people can't pick
>yourselves up and stop being selfish to the world around you, then
>maybe we're better off without you after all.
This nutcase posted this on the newsgroup alt suicide holidays.
Great, so the guy who wasn't certain of death, has now been made to feel worse.
What a bastard.
"maybe we're better off without you"
I would like to give the prick a shot at living in the poor sufferers shoes.
Yes, it is bloody horrible what suicide does to families, but surely you want to prevent it? Not give more ammo for the guy.
Yes, if you insist on intervention, it need be done carefully, with every care and thought for the person in pain. Showing copious amounts of empathy, even if they're being a bastard.
So Please! Don't give them more reason to do it.
My mother, friends, family, etc have done the same thing. Instead of stopping me, I fuckin well tried hard, but alas, I am a failure.
So for fuck's sake, DO NOT, guilt trip, or bring up things related.
I don't wanna hear it, there's a fair chance the person in pain doesn't, and I'll put my money on the fact that you don't want one of those calls on a lovely Sunday morning about what happened to your mate.
The Guy who hears this a lot
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