Bad news for my mate,
This is getting worse and worse for her, and I am scared.
I dont know if she can hold on.
She feels she was little left to hold onto, and I dont know how to help her.
Im trying to give her hope, but she has lost it, and I cant really blame her given the situation.
I do wonder if she will be around for much longer.
Whilst seeming hypocritical, I dont want her to catch the bus, and leave me here at the bus stop,
I still dont know if Im going to catch the bus or go just home.
Shiny happy people would consider it ridiculous, but I dont.
I feel understand.
And if the situation was reversed, I may have caught the bus myself.
Society has its values the wrong way round, and it really needs to arrange it priorities better.
Well, if this continues down the path it is, it is clear to me that I shall no longer be in contact with my friend.
She will have gone where few willingly go, but where I too have tried to go, and where perhaps I too will go soon. I know not now.
Either way, I hope whatever she does brings her peace. If here is peace, that is splendid, and if it is in the promising blackness, then that too is understandable and good.
As long as she is happy, I know that I too can be happy for her.
Given the opportunity, yes perhaps I would intervene, or perhaps not.
It is not like a teenager doing this, it is someone who is in a position where physically, they will never do as they once did.
No, I would just stay with her. I just dont want her to leave alone, feeling lonely.
If it comes to it, that is what I would do.
As for laws, lock me up, but look at the mess Id be in, and could you do it to someone in such pain? perhaps, i know not., but perhaps I will soon.
She has felt alone for far too long, the medical system has missed countless things, and have taken there time in discovering things. 2 years even!
No, if I am asked, you will not go alone, provided it is a choice that you make, and it does not require me to do anything but be with you.
For people should be allowed to go with a face of love.
I will be that face for her if called upon.
For surely that should be a right. To die by someone who cares, even if they dont know you.
To radiate love to the suffering, and for them to know, that they are loved.
Well, those are my views, I pray that they are not put to the test, but I fear they may. But at the same time, I would prefer they be tested than for someone to have an agonising existence for all the wrong reasons. Existing for others has its limitations and this approaches such one.
Regardless of this, I care for you deeply friend.
I love you dear, whether I can visit you or not.
Dive True, Dive Deep, and Dive Long.
You are, and always will be, my fellow diver in arms,
Plunging fearlessly into the deep, to visit old friends, and new ones.
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